Welcome to the reporting portal of the Legrand Group

In accordance with our ethical rules and the legal provisions in force, this platform allows secure reporting and exchange and is accessible to employees and all stakeholders (customers, suppliers, consultants, etc.) of the Group.

You have the possibility to report here the existence of conduct or situation contrary to the general interest and which you have known or witnessed.

The confidentiality of your identity will be preserved during the issuance of your alert, as well as throughout the process of the alert.
Organisation profile

Organisation Legrand

  • Emmanuelle LEVINE, Group Compliance Officer
  • Bénédicte BAHIER, Groupe HR Director for HR alerts
  • Marc PAROUTY, HR Internal Controller for HR alerts
  • Enguerrand BERTHOLET, Head of Internal Audit for fraud alerts
To know

Each alert has its own chat system for sending and receiving messages. These exchanges respect the choice of the whistleblowers if they wished to remain anonymous.
The alert of a person who wishes to remain anonymous may be processed, by way of exception, provided that such a report contains sufficiently detailed facts to enable the Legrand Group to carry out the necessary checks for its processing.
Only designated referents will be recipients of information that you will send us through the form. You will be able to follow your report and communicate with the referrer (s) through the confidential code generated by the platform during the transmission of your report. Reporting will be subject to rigorous analysis and a detailed instruction.